Expand the sections below to learn about SWE-Detroit networking activities.
Monthly networking events are held so members can enjoy socializing with fellow SWE members. Events range from museum tours to volunteering opportunities. All are welcome and feel free to bring friends! Sign up for our mailing list, follow us on social media, or keep an eye on our blog to hear about these fun events!
Join to get to know the executive council as well as learn about the organization and the year ahead.
The Coalition of Minority Professional Engineering Societies is comprised of the Detroit sections of SWE, NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers), and SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers). Each holiday season, we host a potluck event featuring families and food.
Look back at the year and accomplishments. Scholarship presentations and corporate acknowledgment. Awards are presented to SWE-Detroit members or teams who have made an outstanding contribution to various activities within SWE-Detroit during the fiscal year.
Chrysler, Dow, Ford, and General Motors currently have liaisons in place. These individuals organize meetings and luncheons within their companies and allow for extra networking among SWE members. If you are interested, email swe_detroit@swe.org and we will put you in contact with a liaison.
COMPES comprises of NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers), SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers) and SWE-Detroit. We believe this coalition brings additional value to the members from a networking opportunity.
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