
Expand the sections below to learn about SWE-Detroit outreach activities within the region.

The GEE team has compiled a list of STEM resources for K-12 girls interested in engineering. We have included information on events, summer camps, and attractions local to Michigan, scholarships for incoming engineering majors, STEM gift/toy ideas for the holidays, and free online activities.
Please share with your networks so that we may inspire the next generation of female engineers!​

Collegiate Transition Event
SWE-Detroit hosts an annual Collegiate Transition Event in the spring, where graduating seniors in the State of Michigan get the opportunity to network with SWE-D members. SWE-D sponsors their membership upgrade and encourages new members to participate in SWE-D activities. Keep an eye on the calendar for this event!

Shown to the left: FY18 Collegiate Transition Event

SWE Detroit is proud to support our local collegiate sections:

  • University of Detroit Mercy
  • Kettering University
  • Lawrence Technological University
  • University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • University of Michigan, Dearborn
  • Michigan State University
  • Michigan Technological University
  • Oakland University
  • Wayne State University
  • Western Michigan University
  • Lake Superior State University
  • Grand Valley State University 

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Detroit Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to Michigan women admitted to accredited baccalaureate programs, in preparation for careers in engineering, engineering technology, and computer science.


Merit Certificates
Merit certificates are given to over 250 high school female seniors who are outstanding performers in science and math in high school. Members of SWE-Detroit present these awards at honors convocations each spring throughout the state of Michigan. 
The application is typically due in the spring.

Madame Curie Medal Program
Medals are awarded to local female high school juniors who have excelled in math and science studies. The award is also presented at local honors convocations by SWE-Detroit members. 
The application is typically due in the spring.


  • Summer Engineering Exploration University of Michigan SWE:
    Reach out to SWESEECamp@umich.edu for more information.
  • Summer Youth Program with Michigan Tech:
    Visit http://www.syp.mtu.edu/ for more information. 
  • Kettering Programs:
    Visit http://www.kettering.edu/future-students/pre-college-programs for more information.

Girls Engineering Exploration (GEE)
GEE is an educational seminar for ~100 specially nominated 4th – 6th grade girls throughout Detroit Public Schools with a purpose of encouraging young women to explore engineering as a career. The full day event is usually held around National Engineering Week at Wayne State University in Detroit. Our goal is simple: to change girls’ negative opinion of science/technology/engineering/math and encourage girls to consider careers in these very important STEM fields. 
Contact the GEE committee at swe.d.vpoutreach@gmail.com OR visit Facebook for more information on how you can help!

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