Dear SWE Detroit Members,

As we approach the end of FY24, it is time to seek candidates for FY25 SWE Detroit Leadership. This is an awesome opportunity to get involved with the section on a deeper level where you will lead a team in planning events and opportunities to serve our members and future engineers. You can be part of the next generation of SWE leaders. 

Qualified nominees will be placed on the ballot for our election in April. Nominations are due February 29th, 2024.

Below are the open officer positions, questions which must be answered for the nomination, and at this link you may find descriptions of each one. Each VP position oversees a group of chair positions. Please note that only Officer positions are voted for in March. Chair positions will be filled on a volunteer basis starting late-March. 

Return the questionnaire for your nomination to Haley Antoine at

Nomination Questions
1. Provide Contact Information of Candidate:
SWE Member Number:
Phone Number:
Email address:

2. Prepare a Candidate Biography and Statement
The candidate’s biography and statement should be under 400 words and may contain: Candidate’s SWE History, Current/Past Work Experience, Education, Hobbies, and vision and goals for the position they are considering.

3. List SWE resume/service (what other SWE positions or committees have been held):

4. Indicate position(s) interested in:

Open FY25 Officer Positions:
VP Membership
VP Professional Development
VP Outreach
VP Communications / Secretary
VP Finance / Treasurer

Filled FY25 Officer Positions:
President: Haley Antoine (president-elect for FY24 will be FY25 president)
Past-President: Molli Andor (president for FY24 will be FY25 past-president)

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Haley Antoine
FY24 President-Elect